Rudy Giuliani Was NOT “Caught in a Compromising Situation”

October 24, 2020 8:42pm

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Contrary to what the lying purveyors of fake news are telling you, Rudy Giuliani was NOT “caught in a compromising situation” by Sacha Baron Cohen in his new Borat film.

Have you seen the actual scene from the movie?

The only wrongdoing here (besides the dishonest, propaganda press) was by Rudy Giuliani's press agent. Rudy himself did absolutely nothing improper. I have interviewed hundreds - perhaps more than a thousand - politicians over the past 40 years. Any worth their salt verify the legitimacy of the person conducting the interview before they agree to schedule it. That obviously was not done in this instance.

I fail to see ANY "compromising" behavior by Giuliani. But THAT has been the fake news narrative being promulgated by the activists posing as journalists in the propaganda press.

In the scene, after Rudy's interview ended, he went into the adjacent bedroom of the hotel suite with the actress who was pretending to be the interviewer. She removed his wired microphone in as much of a sexually suggestive manner as she could. And in the process, she messed up his clothing - no doubt deliberately and far more than was necessary. He laid back to re-tuck his shirt.

There is literally nothing "compromising" about the scene at all.

If he had been unzipping his pants with eager anticipation of a more intimate "interview," or if he had been playing with himself, the scene would have been much longer. Sacha Baron Cohen aired the most incriminating footage he had, even though it wasn't incriminating at all. That scene was edited to portray Rudy in the worst possible light. But to an objective observer, it didn't. Not at all. As pranks go, this was a big fail, except for the free publicity the fake news is giving the film.

Congratulations to Sacha Baron Cohen for generating free publicity for his new movie. Shame on the fake news for using it to attack Rudy Giuliani.

Watch the scene and decide for yourself at


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