Mr. Biden! What Flavor Milkshake Did You Get?

October 19, 2020 7:46pm


A few days after the New York Post published information from Hunter Biden's laptop...

Do you remember that story? The one Twitter banned and Facebook suppressed? Yeah, that one. Twitter claimed they banned it because the information it contained had been hacked. This is the same Twitter that just a few weeks before had eagerly allowed unlimited tweets peddling the New York Times story about President Trump's tax returns, which even if those tax returns were authentic - something that has yet to be verified - they were absolutely obtained illegally. So Twitter can take their phony excuse and shove it up their ass. It was blatant partisan censorship intended to influence the outcome of an election; in Joe Biden's favor, of course.

The Biden campaign did not deny the authenticity of those e-mails that very clearly implicated at the very least Hunter Biden - and almost certainly Joe Biden also - in a foreign bribery scheme that benefited the entire Biden Crime Family.

But the so-called "news" channels of ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, and MSNBC completely ignored the story. And when given the opportunity to ask Joe Biden about it directly, they didn't. Instead of asking Joe Biden if the New York Post's story was true - or even asking a softball question such as "Do you have any comment on the story?," a reporter asked him what flavor milkshake he bought. Honest. I’m completely serious.

Yesterday, Joe Biden stopped at a burger joint with his granddaughter in Durham, North Carolina to purchase some milkshakes. As he was leaving the burger place with his milkshake in his hand, a reporter asked him a question.

The question was "Have you and your cocaine-addicted son Hunter been selling U.S. foreign policy to Communist China and Ukraine?" And Joe Biden's answer was "Yes. From those countries and others. The Biden Crime Family has accepted millions of dollars in bribes over the years." Just kidding. You know the media would never ask an important question like that of Joe Biden.

The question that a "reporter" really asked was "Mr. Biden! Mr. Biden! What flavor did you get?" And Joe Biden's response was, "We got one vanilla and one chocolate. I wanted to get what we call black and white. 'Cause we're gonna [unintelligible mumbling] split it."

You don't believe me, do you? I understand. I wouldn't believe it either. But I saw the video. You should watch it also. I posted it above.

This is a disgusting example of how today's so-called "news" media is really just dishonest activists posing as journalists in the lying propaganda press. It's disgraceful.


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