Who Really Killed John F. Kennedy?
February 1, 2025 9:15am
On January 23rd, President Trump signed an executive order requiring the declassification and release of all the government's records about the assassination of President Kennedy. Such full and unredacted publication is actually required under a law passed in 1992. But full implementation of that law was delayed for reasons I explained during this morning's radio show but will not get into in this post.
The killing of JFK was the topic of today's entire radio show. In it, I aired excerpts from a 2017 interview I did with Jim Leavelle, the Dallas Police Department homicide detective who, on November 24, 1963, was escorting Lee Harvey Oswald through the basement of the Dallas Police headquarters when Oswald was shot and killed by Jack Ruby. Leavelle was age 96 when I interviewed him. It was one of the last media interviews he ever did. He died about two years later.
Leavelle's role was far more significant than just escorting Oswald that day. He interviewed Oswald as part of his homicide investigation into the death of Dallas police officer J. D. Tippit, and he knew Jack Ruby for more than a decade before the shooting. We discussed who Leavelle thought really killed Kennedy and why Ruby killed Oswald.
As for me, I share my opinions all the time. But on this one, I'll just admit I don't have one. While it seems implausible that Lee Harvey Oswald came up with the assassination plan all by himself and carried it out alone, it also seems implausible that such a big plot could remain unproven for so long. So on this issue. I just don't know.
But assuming the 3 letter agencies comply with President Trump's executive order requiring declassification and release of ALL the assassination records, we should know more soon. The plan to release the documents is due next Friday, February 7th. But the date for the actual document release has not been set yet.
If you'd like to hear this morning's radio show, it is now archived online as a podcast at www.TheMikeBatesShow.com/podcasts/250201