Biden's Disgraceful Death of Afghanistan AND of America's Credibility

August 18, 2021 4:14pm

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Once again, Democrats have betrayed our allies, abandoned them on the battlefield, and left them to die at the hands of oppressive, authoritarian rulers.

Because of America's poorly executed withdrawal from Afghanistan, the Taliban have taken control of 33 of Afghanistan's 34 provinces. The only province not under Taliban control is the Panjshir Valley which is about a hundred miles north of Kabul. But that last holdout does not negate or even mitigate the fact that Joe Biden gave Afghanistan back to the terrorists.

Many have compared Joe Biden’s irresponsible pullout of American forces from Afghanistan to the Fall of Saigon in 1975. And while there are certainly some parallels between Vietnam and Afghanistan (for example, BOTH betrayed our allies, and BOTH are 100% the fault of Democrats), but when you look at the details, what happened in Afghanistan is actually worse than what happened in Saigon. Much worse.

Saigon fell on April 30, 1975. But American combat troops had left in March 1973. So there were two years of South Vietnam defending itself before Saigon fell. So the Fall of Saigon was not a failure by the U.S. military. It was a failure of the South Vietnamese military. But that failure was a direct result of the communist-sympathizing Democrats who controlled the U.S. Congress. Do you remember what those treacherous Democrats did?

On January 27, 1973, North Vietnam, the Viet Cong, South Vietnam, and the United States all signed the Paris Peace Accords. That agreement called for four main things:

1) The United States military would depart Vietnam within 60 days.

2) The 17th Parallel would separate North Vietnam and South Vietnam as it had before the war.

3) North Vietnam would not use force to reunify Vietnam.

4) The United States would provide arms to South Vietnam to maintain their military forces at the level they were when the cease fire began.

We agreed to keep the South Vietnam military supplied at the same levels as before the cease fire - meaning if they lost a tank, America would give them another tank. If they lost three helicopters, America would give them three helicopters. If they expended 100,000 bullets, America would give them 100,000 bullets. That was the deal.

So then what happened? President Nixon resigned in August 1974, and Gerald Ford assumed the presidency. The following November, Democrats expanded their majorities in the House and Senate. Those Democrats, many of whom participated in anti-war protests themselves, refused to fund the military aid to South Vietnam our country had promised. When it came time to actually uphold our end of that deal, the Democrats refused to honor the commitment we made to our allies.

In an address to a joint session of Congress, President Ford begged the Democrats to honor the commitments we had made and to not betray South Vietnam. Many Democrats childishly walked out of the House chamber in protest. And the aid promised to South Vietnam was never given.

This, of course, emboldened the North Vietnamese government to test American resolve by violating the peace accords and invading South Vietnam. Although Ford wanted to help defend South Vietnam against that illegal aggression, he was prevented by the Democrats in Congress from providing any aid. Seeing that the Americans wouldn't lift a finger to prevent it, the NVA pushed south and took village after village, town after town, and city after city. When Saigon fell, the war was over. And just as the Democrats wanted, the Communists won. And what did those Communists do? They systematically murdered the South Vietnamese people. Millions were sent to reeducation camps where many were tortured and starved to death. Nearly two million South Vietnamese fled to the sea where at least 250,000 perished.

Why did the Democrats betray South Vietnam? Well, beside the fact that many Democrats were Marxists who actually wanted communism to prevail over capitalism, they were appeasing the anti-war protesters who had elected them. And who funded those anti-war protests? The Soviet Union!

That doesn't mean every protester was getting paid, of course. Most were not. But enough were on Russia’s payroll that the anti-war protests were a bought-and-paid-for tool of our nation's enemies. That is not a conspiracy theory. That's fact. After the Soviet Union fell, we saw proof that the KGB paid for many of those anti-war protests.

Something similar is happening today because Joe Biden has once again selfishly abandoned our allies on the battlefield where they will meet certain death at the hands of a conquering force. What do I mean by "Biden once again"? I mean that in 1975, when it was obvious that the North Vietnamese Army was going to take South Vietnam by force, President Ford wanted to evacuate many of the South Vietnamese people who had helped us during the war. But do you know who objected to evacuating those allies? The junior Senator from Delaware who had been elected just 2 1/2 years earlier in 1972 - an immoral buffoon named Joe Biden.

Although Biden was only in his third year in the U.S. Senate, he served on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. And that gave him some authority on the matter of what to do with our South Vietnamese allies. In that capacity, he asked for a meeting with President Ford. Then on April 14, 1975, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee met at The White House with President Ford, Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, and Defense Secretary James Schlesinger. And at that meeting, Senator Biden told President Ford - and this is a quote, "I will vote for any amount for getting the Americans out. I don't want it mixed with getting the Vietnamese out."

So with that historical context in mind, nobody should be surprised that Biden has abandoned our allies in Afghanistan and left many of them to face a certain death. He did it to our South Vietnamese allies then. Why wouldn't he abandon our Afghan allies now? It's consistent with what a despicable person Joe Biden is. It seems Joe Biden and the Democrats almost always sympathize with America's enemies, so they're perfectly happy to see the Afghans who aided us get killed by the Taliban. And that is disgraceful.

The collapse of Afghanistan was completely predictable. Yet on July 8th, Biden was asked about the possible Fall of Kabul and how it might compare to the Fall of Saigon. He responded, "There’s going to be no circumstance where you see people being lifted off the roof of a embassy in the — of the United States from Afghanistan."

But what did we see? People being evacuated by helicopter from the American embassy in Afghanistan. Why? Because the entire country was being swiftly overrun by Taliban forces, and they were closing in on Kabul which was putting our embassy and our embassy personnel at risk. Yet the unconstitutionally elected interloper in the White House said at that same press conference that "the likelihood there's going to be a Taliban overrunning everything and owning the whole country is highly unlikely."

It wasn't just NOT "highly unlikely," Joe. It was pretty much certain to happen. Yet you failed miserably in your handling of the situation. You failed the Afghan people who assisted U.S. forces because they're going to be killed by the Taliban. And you weakened America by once again allowing our allies to be murdered after we cut and ran.

Do you know who Khairullah Khairkhwa is? He was one of five Taliban commanders who were illegally released from the Guantanamo Bay detention camp by Barack Obama in 2014 so they could be exchanged for the deserter Bowe Bergdahl. Remember that?

Well, after his release from GITMO, Khairullah Khairkhwa set up a Taliban-in-exile embassy in Qatar. And he was one of the Taliban leaders who orchestrated the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan after our forces pulled out. So now we have terrorists who should still be incarcerated at GITMO running Afghanistan. And they're running it as a brutal Islamic theocracy armed with captured American weapons. Way to go Barack Hussein Obama. You've got blood on your hands in this mess also. And THAT was predicted in 2014 too! But Barack Osama assured us they would never return to the battlefield or support terrorism.

Who was Abdul Ghani Baradar Akhund? He goes by "Mullah Baradar," which is a nickname he was given by the the founder of the Taliban, Mohammed Omar. Mullah Baradar was a co-founder of the Taliban. He served as Mohammed Omar's second in command. And he is married to Mohammed Omar's sister. Baradar was a high-ranking Taliban leader. Omar died in 2013. Mullah Baradar - Omar's deputy - was captured and imprisoned in Pakistan by a joint CIA/Pakistani Intelligence Services raid in February 2010. But the Trump Administration asked for his release in October 2018. And shortly after that release, he was appointed to be the chief of the Taliban's diplomatic office in Qatar. And in that capacity he signed the Doha Agreement on the withdrawal of U.S. forces from Afghanistan on behalf of the Taliban.

Care to guess what Mullah Baradar is doing today? He returned to Afghanistan yesterday and is expected to become the President of Taliban-run Afghanistan. So America's failure to keep terrorists imprisoned and off the battlefield is a problem created by both Democrats and Republicans.

But that doesn't negate the fact that it was Biden who allowed Afghanistan to be overrun by the Taliban. It doesn't change the fact that that Taliban takeover was completely preventable. And it doesn't mean the people won't suffer terribly because Joe Biden's chose to abandon them on the battlefield to die.

We've all seen the videos of Afghans at the airport in Kabul desperately trying to get out of the country. At least two were so desperate to escape that they held on to the OUTSIDE of a U.S. Air Force C-17 cargo plane as it took off. I don't know what made them think they'd still be on that plane when it landed. But they both fell to their deaths shortly after takeoff. The airport is now surrounded by Taliban militants, and they're not letting many people in. I've read a few accounts of people with legitimate travel documents and passports who by all rights can legally leave Afghanistan being turned away. Who knows what fate awaits them? What we do know is that that fate won't be a good one.

As Taliban forces advanced across Afghanistan, they executed Afghan National Security Forces, police officers, and civilians who had ties to the Afghan government. The Taliban announced that people who had worked with Americans would be forgiven and granted amnesty. But they were required to register with the Taliban who they were and what they did. Upon registration, they were given documents guaranteeing their safety. Then, after people foolishly registered, the Taliban went back to them and, with their own registration as proof of their so-called "crimes against Islam" for aiding the Great Satan, executed some of them.

If the United States had simply kept open its air bases in Afghanistan, we could have killed advancing Taliban with minimal risk to American lives. And we could have decimated any Taliban forces as they moved out in the open from province to province during their takeover of the country. A handful of well-placed bombs and some carpet bombing of Taliban fighters on the open roads and fields would have killed a lot of terrorists.

But we didn't even try. We weren't prepared to. Because Joe Biden cut and ran. He ordered American personnel to leave the air bases. And in the case of Bagram Air Base, we left in the middle of the night on July 2nd without even telling the Afghan military general who was responsible for the base. We just up and left with no notice. The Afghanistan National Security Forces didn't know the base had been evacuated and abandoned until two hours after we left.

During those two hours, the base was ransacked and looted. According to the Department of Defense's own tally, 3.5 million items were left behind at Bagram. Some of that was armored vehicles, weapons, and ammunition. Do you know what else we left at Bagram Air Base? Any goodwill and trust that we earned over two decades of spilling American blood and treasure to help the Afghan people. All of it is gone! We literally abandoned them on the battlefield. It was disgraceful. But it happened because the occupant of the Oval Office failed to plan and execute a strategy to prevent Afghanistan from falling into the hands of the Taliban.

As the Taliban advanced rapidly across Afghanistan, Biden ordered 6000 troops into Afghanistan to evacuate Americans from Kabul. And all the embassy personnel were evacuated, so at least we won't have a repeat of when Jimmy Carter allowed our embassy personnel to be taken hostage in Iran in 1979. But there are still thousands of Americans in Afghanistan, and the State Department and Defense Department have both said they cannot ensure their safe passage out of the country.

Joe Biden says he had no choice in the decision to pull out from Afghanistan. But he also says he stands by his decision. That makes no sense because on one hand he says he had no choice, and on the other hand he says he made the right choice. Well, which is it, Joe? And why hasn't anyone in The White House Press Corps asked him that question???

It is true that the Trump Administration agreed to a May 1st deadline for the withdrawal of American troops. But it is NOT true that Biden had to abide by it when the facts showed that doing so would result in disaster. And to be clear, troops were not removed by May 1st. Biden changed that deadline to September 11th. So right there is a prima facie acknowledgement that Biden was not obligated to abide by every jot and tittle of the deal Trump worked out.

That deal mostly called for the Taliban to not attack the U.S. and its allies or allow Afghanistan to be used as a safe haven for terrorists. But critically, it also required the Taliban to agree to a permanent and comprehensive ceasefire and to enter into intra-Afghan negotiations to peacefully come up with a government to lead Afghanistan. The Taliban obviously violated that latter; time will tell as to the former.

I am not optimistic that Afghanistan won't harbor and train international terrorists even though it would be in the Taliban's political interests not to. Because the last time they did, they were ousted from power with military force. You may recall that President Bush told the Taliban in 2001 that if they would just turn over Osama bin Laden, we wouldn't invade. But the Taliban refused, so we invaded.

Would we invade again if the Taliban gives safe haven to international terrorists? I don't know. I doubt it. But that will really depend upon who those international terrorists attack and who the political leaders are in America when those attacks happen. But if terrorists are not allowed to train in - and operate out of - Afghanistan, I don't think America will really care what they do domestically in their country. They could be the most violent and oppressive government the world has ever seen, and I don't think we'd care as long as they keep it within their borders. So if the Taliban is smart, the best way to preserve their power would be to prevent international terrorists from using Afghan soil. But is the Taliban that smart? Even if they are, they're Islamist idealogues, so maybe pleasing Allah is more important to them. I don't know. Time will tell.

But the point vis a vis the current situation is that the Taliban has already clearly violated the terms of the agreement they made with the United States last year. That legally invalidates any obligations on our part, so Joe Biden could absolutely refuse to abide by the terms of the agreement if he wanted to. He just doesn't want to. He and his fellow Democrats want America out of Afghanistan with no regard for the consequences.

And here's an important point to make about any agreement with a Muslim. This is not anti-Muslim. This is pro-truth. Muslims are allowed to lie, cheat, steal, and perjure themselves in pursuit of jihad or to save themselves from persecution or death. It's called "taqiyya." And it's authorized multiple times in the Koran. That's why the word of jihadists can never be trusted.

On Monday, Biden said the Taliban takeover would have happened no matter when we left - whether it was five years from now or fifteen years from now. But that's a cop out. If we had just kept enough forces in Afghanistan to safely provided close air support to Afghanistan National Security Forces doing the dangerous fighting on the ground, we could have prevented the Taliban takeover.

We could take out Taliban safe houses and training centers from 50,000 feet with B-52s and other bombers. And decimating Taliban convoys traveling out in the open would be like shooting fish in a barrel. So why didn't we doing that? Because Joe Biden didn't want to.

I wonder what the Democrats will say when things get worse in Afghanistan as a result of Biden's misguided and mishandled withdrawal. Probably nothing. And it will certainly get worse in Afghanistan. It will also get worse in the West when terrorists trained in Afghanistan attack us.

But the damage to America goes far beyond just what is happening in Afghanistan. America will pay a heavy price for Biden's stupidity for years to come. Not only will the jihadist movement around the world be emboldened, but what will our allies think? Especially our allies in the Middle East? Will they trust us to be there for them if the need arises? What about people we ask to be our allies in the future? Why would they trust America? Why would anyone trust that America has their back?

Do you think Taiwan feels safer or more endangered after seeing America cut and run from a bunch of backwards, semi-literate, 10th century, tribal misfits? I am certain China sees Taiwan as an even easier takeover target now. You know and I know - and China knows - that Biden won't do anything to help Taiwan defend itself when Beijing decides the time is right to invade and capture it.

Do you think Putin and the Russians respect our military more or less than they did a year ago? While our military is quite capable against ANY foe, when they have to follow the orders of idiot civilians, they're emasculated and weak.

Did I just call Joe Biden an idiot? Yes, I did. Because it's the truth. Joe Biden is an idiot. He was the only person who advised Obama NOT to authorize the raid killed Osama bin Laden. Barack Obama did the right thing when he ordered Operation Neptune Spear to kill bin Laden. But remember that he did it AGAINST the advice Joe Biden gave him.

For the record, I do (and did at the time) give Obama credit for authorizing the raid that killed bin Laden. But it must also be stated for historical accuracy and perspective that the mission that killed Osama bin Laden was made possible because of intelligence information gathered through means both Obama and Biden opposed and denounced.

So now that Joe Biden has abandoned Afghanistan, we have to ask what we accomplished during that nearly twenty year war. The war in Afghanistan cost around $2 trillion, resulted in almost 2500 U.S. military personnel killed, another roughly 3800 American civilian contractors killed, 66,000 Afghanistan Security forces killed, and somewhere between 50,000 and 100,000 Afghan civilians killed (depending on whose numbers you believe).

And for what??? What did we accomplish after 20 years of spilling American blood and treasure? With the exception of Afghanistan no longer harboring Osama bin Laden, we're right back where we were in 2001. Taliban terrorists control the country. The Afghan population is subjugated under the Taliban's fundamentalist view of Islam and Sharia law and the violence they use to enforce it.. And there will probably be a base of operations for international terrorists to train and launch attacks. It truly is a shameful act by the Democrats.

Although it's really NOT a return to the pre-war status of twenty years ago. Because now the Taliban has billions of dollars worth of sophisticated American military equipment from rifles to artillery to armored vehicles to tanks to helicopters to attack planes. Joe Biden has just made the Taliban the most heavily armed terrorist organization the world has ever seen. I wonder how soon some of those aircraft will be in the hands of Russian and Chinese engineers who will gain valuable knowledge about our advanced avionics and weapons systems. If that hasn't happened already, it certainly will soon. So actually, Biden's irresponsible and ill-conceived pullout has made the situation far worse for not only Afghanistan but for America and the West.

Democrats have a long history of siding with - or in some cases just failing to oppose - America's enemies. Jimmy Carter, the godfather of Islamic terrorism was a fool. He supported the Ayatollah Khomeini's return to Iran from exile in Paris because Carter said he - the Ayatollah - was a "religious man" and, therefore, not violent. Bill Clinton could have killed Osama bin Laden long before the September 11th attacks but was too busy playing golf. Barack Obama was a Muslim sympathizer and apologist. And now we have Joe Biden who is a half brain dead incompetent fool.

With the benefit of hindsight and seeing the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan, does Joe Biden now think his decision to pull American forces may have been a mistake? No. Just this past Monday AFTER the Taliban takeover, he said "I stand squarely behind my decision." What an idiot!

But because the Supreme Court refused to do anything about the unconstitutional election that put him in The White House, we're stuck with him and his poor decisions for the next 3 1/2 years. Unless he leaves office early. But then we'd just get Kamala Harris. And she's even dumber than Biden.


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