How Democrats Intend to Legalize Election Fraud

July 22, 2021 9:48am


The above photo is of my 2016 Halloween costume. Now in 2021, Democrats are aggressively trying to make election fraud a lot easier to commit.

The deceptively named "For the People Act of 2021" (HR 1), which has already passed the U.S. House but is stalled in the Senate, would mandate the following loosey-goosey election laws nationwide: vote-by-mail without witness signatures, 24/7 voter registration over the internet; same day registration without IDs; registration of 16 year-olds; voting rights for felons as soon as they get out of prison; curbside voting from inside cars; early voting at polling places determined by the feds; unmanned drop boxes for ballots nationwide; federal control of voting districts that would create voting districts based upon quotas for racial, ethnic, economic, language, and gender identity; ballot harvesting; and it would empower Washington bureaucrats with the authority to decide what kind of campaign advertising is "disinformation" and therefore illegal.

Anyone who thinks those would result in clean elections needs to put down the crack pipe.

But since the Democrats and the media - but I repeat myself - have misrepresented what HR 1 does, go read it for yourself at You will find that my synopsis is accurate.

Some Republicans have been telling us not to worry about it because what HR 1 would do is unconstitutional and would be thrown out by the Court. Well, first of all , they're wrong. And second, do you trust the courts to follow the Constitution? I don't. There are too many examples of where they've ignored it - sometimes at the Supreme Court but OFTEN at the District Court and Circuit Court levels.

In fact, Judge Stephen Reinhardt, who served on the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals for 38 years, was the poster boy for judicial malfeasance. He was appointed to the federal court by Jimmy Carter. And this Leftist malcontent not only had zero respect for the Constitution, he bragged about it! When he was questioned about why he had so many decisions of his overturned by the Supreme Court, he bragged - and this is a quote, "They can’t catch ‘em all." So this enemy of our Constitution KNEW his rulings ran contrary to the supreme law of the land, but he didn’t care because he knew that most of his blatantly unconstitutional rulings would not be overturned (because the Supreme Court hears fewer than one percent of the cases they're asked to take). Fortunately, he died in 2018, so he's not currently damaging our nation. But there are plenty of activists in robes just like him who are. They're just not so brazen as to brag about it.

But the Constitution does NOT prohibit Congress from imposing those loosey-goosey rules upon every federal election nationwide. The first half of Article 1, Section 4, Clause 1 says, “The times, places and manner of holding elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the legislature thereof.” But the second half says, “but the Congress may at any time by law make or alter such regulations, except as to the places of choosing Senators.”

So while some of what HR 1 would do is certainly unconstitutional, most of it – as bad as it is – is NOT unconstitutional. It’s improper. It’s bad. It’s destructive. But Congress does have the authority to do it. Most of it anyway.

Democrats oppose literally every process and procedure that would make voter fraud more difficult to commit. And they want to impose processes and procedures that would make voter fraud easy to commit. Why is that? There's only one answer which very few people are comfortable to admit. But since it's the truth, I have no problem acknowledging it. And that is the Democrats want it to be easy to commit voter fraud because they benefit from it. It’s disgraceful. And dangerous. And so is the so-called “news” media’s misrepresentation of the facts.


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