Nothing to See Here. Move Along...

July 6, 2021 10:52am

Rise of the Moors.jpg

Did you notice how quickly the propaganda press dropped the story of the "dangerous, heavily armed militia" involved in the nine hour stand-off with Massachusetts police along Interstate 95 once the identity of the suspects was known?

Since the fake news won't tell you who they were, I will. The men were part of an anti-government Islamic militia group known as "Rise of the Moors." They believe they are not subject to the laws of the United States due to the 1787 Treaty of Peace and Friendship between the U.S. and Morocco.

They believe they are "the organic or original sovereigns of this land - America." They fly the Moroccan flag, refuse to pay taxes, refuse to get driver licenses, refuse to register their vehicles, and refuse to register their firearms (they're correct on that last point although their reasoning for it is flawed). It is alleged that the group sustains itself by engaging in widespread financial fraud. They share origin with Louis Farrakhan's Nation of Islam as both groups were offshoots of the 1913 Moorish Science Temple of America.

Imagine how much media coverage there would be if they had been white, Christian, Republicans with Trump bumper stickers.

Fake news doesn't have to be false. It can also be fake through the editorial decisions to hype some stories while suppressing others.

You can read more about the Rise of the Moors' ideology at


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