How Facebook Will Hasten the Death of Our Republic

June 26, 2021 4:46pm

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This is an example of what is wrong with Facebook and their Stalinist censors.

Democrats and the media - but I repeat myself - are allowed to post as many stories as they want falsely claiming that Georgia's new election integrity law is racist voter suppression. Well, I have read the entire law, and it is no such thing; not even close.

But when I commented on one of those fake news stories that was posted on Facebook with THE TRUTH about the law AND A LINK TO THE ACTUAL LAW ON THE GEORGIA LEGISLATURE'S WEBSITE, it was removed as "spam." How the hell can ONE link to a GOVERNMENT WEBSITE be spam???

Over the years, many of my comments with similar truth and links to the proof have been removed by Facebook. It's no wonder so many people believe the lies they are told since they're not allowed to see the truth! This kind of one-sided censorship will be the death of our Republic.

"Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech." - Benjamin Franklin

This is the full text of my comment that Facebook removed along with the link:

"The fake news told you Georgia's new election integrity law eliminates Sunday voting. It does not. Georgia has 159 counties, and two-thirds of those counties have NEVER offered voting on Sundays. And some counties only offered a single Saturday of early voting.

"The new law requires ALL Georgia counties to offer TWO Saturdays of early voting and gives them the option of having two Sundays of early voting. So not only does the law NOT eliminate early voting on Sundays as the liars in the fake news told you, it actually INCREASES the number of early voting days across the state. This law doesn't REDUCE early voting. It EXPANDS it. DRAMATICALLY.

"But don't take my word for it. Read the law for yourself at"


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