LGBTQ Pride Month Is Not Just an Innocent Celebration of Love

June 19, 2021 10:03am

Pride Month Rainbow logos CAPTIONED.jpg

Every rainbow image in the above graphic is authentic. I copied them directly from each organization's official website or social media account. They were all created to celebrate LGBTQ Pride Month (June).

While most people think LGBTQ Pride Month is just an innocent celebration of love, it is not. If it was, I wouldn't have a problem with it. But I have researched it enough to know its real agenda. And its real agenda is very destructive.

Before I explain why, I want to put my views on Pride Month into perspective - not that it will matter to the intolerant mob; I know it won't. But at least I will be on the record saying it.

I completely agree with the Supreme Court's decision in Lawrence v. Texas that invalidated state laws criminalizing private sexual conduct between two consenting same-sex adults. It was a correct ruling. It's none of the government's business - or anyone else's for that matter - what kind of sex people do in their bedrooms. And I also believe that people who are LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer) should be treated kindly as the human beings that they are.

But I know none of that will matter. I will still be attacked for what I said on today's radio show because the intolerant mob demands one-hundred percent compliance with their agenda. But if I stayed quiet because I was afraid of being criticized and defamed, I would never be able to say anything. So I say what I want and let the chips fall where they may. So let's roll...

Why was June chosen as LGBTQ Pride Month? Because on June 28, 1969, New York City police raided the Stonewall Inn, a gay bar in Greenwich Village. That raid lead to six nights of protests and riots. Consequently, it is credited with kick-starting the Gay Pride Movement, even though there had been smaller gay rights movements before that.

Over the years, that 1969 protest has grown into a month long celebration of how the LGBTQ community has sex. If the goal of Pride Month was to encourage people not to hate or bully LGBTQ folks, it would be fine. That's a laudable goal. And it's what most people think the month is about. But much of what really occurs is the dangerous sexualization of children.

It's one thing for American Airlines and United Airlines to market themselves with rainbow flags because LGBTQ individuals purchase air travel. It's one thing for Absolut Vodka and Budweiser to run rainbow ads this month because their products are for adults over 21. But it is entirely another thing when companies marketing to children do so. Yet Disney Channel, Sesame Street, Nickelodeon, Mattel, and Hasbro all did.

Do the people who run those companies really believe children need to be brainwashed with propaganda that promotes homosexual behavior? Or ANY kind of sexual behavior??? How about letting kids be kids, huh?

The fact that the NFL, Major League Baseball, and the National Hockey League all felt it necessary to change their logos to rainbow colors for Pride Month is bad enough. But do you know what other sports league did it? Little League! The youth baseball league for kids age 4 - 16 changed their logo from red, white, and blue to rainbow colors to celebrate Pride Month.

Can you explain to me how anyone with an ounce of decency in them found it necessary to celebrate and promote homosexuality and transgenderism to 4 year olds? Or even 16 year olds? Why does a kid's sports league find it necessary to promote how people have sex? If Little League's effort was about teaching kids not to be bullies, I'd support it. But if that was the purpose, the message would be against bullying anyone, not just against bullying homosexuals and the transgendered.

PBS stations aired LGBTQ-themed shows to preschoolers! And the executives at Nickelodeon thought it was necessary to indoctrinate kids six and under with LGBTQ propaganda on the "Blue's Clues" TV show. They produced a LGBTQ-themed video with a sing-along song with lyrics using the words, "families with two mommies," "families with two daddies," "non-binary," "trans members of this family," "ace, bi, and pan grownups can love each other so proudly," "allies to the queer community can love their queer friends so proudly," and "Happy Pride Month." The accompanying video showed a cartoon gay pride parade complete with a drag queen appearing prominently on screen leading the children in song. This was aimed at kids under seven years old! What the hell is wrong with those people??? If you think I'm exaggerating it, go watch it yourself at

Public libraries are hosting Drag Queen Story Hours where men dressed in flamboyant female clothing with a ridiculous amount of stage makeup are reading books to little children. And that would be bad enough if these drag queens were reading innocuous children's storybooks like "Go, Dog. Go" and "The Little Engine That Could." But these drag queens are reading propaganda books like "Uncle Bobby’s Wedding," "Heather Has Two Mommies," "King & King," and "Daddy's Roommate" - all of which are corrupting our children's minds with atypical sexual themes at an age where they shouldn't even be thinking about traditional sexual acts.

To be clear, the First Amendment absolutely, one-hundred percent allows Drag Queen Story Hour events to take place. And the First Amendment also absolutely, one-hundred percent allows me to denounce them as the dangerous sexualization and harmful indoctrination of children that they are. It is disgusting that they take place. And it is disgraceful that parents allow their children to attend them. It's a form of child abuse.

Those are just a few examples. This post barely scratches the surface of all the pro-LGBTQ propaganda directed at children that is happening across America. I cited more instances on the radio today. But even that was just a fraction of how Pride Month is being used to indoctrinate and sexualize little children.

I know some of you will misinterpret this post and today's radio show as me being some kind of an intolerant hater. And if that's what you want to believe - if you are only capable of seeing the world as binary (which if you support Pride Month, you shouldn't because you're supposed to believe there are an unlimited number of genders, not just two) - but if you see this kind of issue as "all in" or "all out," and you fail to see the fifty shades of grey in what I'm saying, then you need to work on your critical thinking skills.

If all you can understand is either total love & acceptance or total hate & rejection, then you need to quit being such a simpleton and learn about nuance and complexity. Because despite me thinking Pride Month being so widely celebrated by government, corporations, schools, and the media is inappropriate and destructive, the fact is I couldn't care less if you're Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgendered, or whatever. Your sex life is not my concern. As long as what you're doing is between two consenting adults, what you do in your bedroom is your business not mine. But keep it in your bedroom. The public doesn't need you to march down the street wearing bottomless leather chaps, a halter top, and a dog collar connected by a leash to your lover who's dressed equally as ridiculous. And I'd say the same thing if it was a heterosexual couple proselytizing about their sex life.

LGBTQ people should be treated as the human beings that they are. But this Pride Movement, which began with the reasonable request that society tolerate their existence, has since morphed into a demand that we also promote their lifestyle. Tolerance is no longer considered to be enough. If you don't also accept everything the LGBTQ activists demand, then they consider you to be a homophobic hater. Well, I'm not homophobic at all. Not only do I have many gay/lesbian friends, my dentist is married to a man! And no, my dentist is not a woman.

I don't object to people who identify as LGBTQ. I object to the full court press of the LGBTQ agenda that sexualizes children. It's a deliberate destruction of childhood and decency. And since Pride Month is part and parcel to it, we shouldn't be doing it.

I gave a much longer and much more detailed explanation on today's radio show. If you want to hear it, it is archived online as a podcast at


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