No, Donald Trump Does NOT Owe Albuquerque $211,000

April 24, 2021 9:49am

Albuquerque flag.jpg

The latest anti-Trump story making its rounds in the propaganda press is that the City of Albuquerque has turned over an unpaid Trump campaign debt to a collection agency.

But the $211,175.94 Albuquerque claims they're owed is NOT a valid debt obligation.

If the so-called "news" media was honest, they'd include the fact that the city's bill is not for services contracted by the Trump Campaign. It is for expenses related to security incurred by the city during Trump's visit, AND it includes money the city claims it lost while Trump was in town such as the value of paid leave some city employees were given during Trump's visit.

Ergo, this is a politically-motivated invoice that has no basis in law whatsoever. If this ever gets to court - as opposed to a collection agency - the city would certainly be denied its claim.

But the fake news is eagerly reporting this to further their narrative that Trump is a deadbeat. It's disgraceful.


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