Florida's Untold Coronavirus Success Story

January 28, 2021 9:49pm

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Contrary to the lies the fake news is telling you, Florida is doing quite well with the Coronavirus.

The Democrats and their allies in the propaganda press have been telling us that Governor DeSantis is an irresponsible, science-denying, ideologue who has bungled the state's response to this pandemic. But that is false.

Governor DeSantis has kept the state open for commerce, respected our constitutional rights, and still managed to guide the state to far superior statistics than states with Democrat governors who imposed overly restrictive lockdowns that destroyed lives and decimated their economies.

The eleven states with the worst unemployment rates in the country all have Democrat governors (including DC which has a democrat mayor), who imposed severe COVID shutdowns. In order from 11th to worst, those states are New Jersey, Illinois, District of Columbia, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New York, New Mexico, Colorado, California, Nevada, and Hawaii. And the only reason Nevada and Hawaii have worse unemployment rates than California is because those two states are so heavily dependent upon tourism and tourism jobs. So with that taken into consideration, California has the highest self-induced unemployment rate in the country.

If you're wondering which Republican state ranks 12th, it's Arizona. And they're followed by the Democrat governed states of Michigan, Massachusetts, and Louisiana, which means Democrat governors are lording over 14 of the 15 states with the highest unemployment rates in the country. That is not coincidental. It is a direct result of the malicious policies of those Democrats.

Florida's unemployment rate ranks 25th. Right in the middle. But Republican Governor Ron DeSantis has not only NOT locked down the state, he has prohibited cities and counties from locking down themselves. So people must be dropping dead like flies from COVID in Florida, right? Wrong. Do you know where Florida ranks per capita in coronavirus cases and deaths?

We're 30th in cases. And we're 26th in deaths. That's per capita, which is the only fair metric. Raw numbers make the more populous states look worse than they are because you would expect a state with a lot of people to have a higher raw count than a state with few people. That is why I always use per capita numbers when comparing states coronavirus situations.

Would you like to guess which states are among the states with higher per capita death rates than Florida AND have higher unemployment rates than Florida? They're the economically destructive lockdown Democrat governed states of District of Columbia, Nevada, New Mexico, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Louisiana, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, New Jersey, and New York in that order (with New York having, by far, the highest COVID death rate).

Have you heard those numbers anywhere else? Have you heard how well Florida is doing compared to the rest of the nation? No. Instead, we've been force-fed by the propaganda press in both Florida and nationally that Governor DeSantis is a science-denying dunce who has completely bungled the state's coronavirus response. But the facts prove otherwise. The facts prove that, despite not caving to the demands of the Democrats and the press, which are conjoined twins, that he lock down Florida, he refused. He respected our rights. He kept the state open for the most part - certainly more open than most other states and more open than ALL states governed by Democrats.

And here we are ranked 30th in coronavirus cases, meaning 29 states have a higher per capita case rate than us. And we're 26th in coronavirus deaths. We ranked 25th in per capita cases and 16th in per capita deaths the first week of December. So in a little less than two months, we've improved significantly compared to other states. We improved our ranking by 5 states in cases per capita and by 10 states in deaths per capita. Have you heard that before? No, of course not. Because the fake news is too busy telling you that Governor DeSantis is an irresponsible ideologue whose killing people instead. But I assure you it's the truth.

Florida's unemployment rate ranks 25th , which is incredible when you consider how many tourism and hospitality jobs we lost. Governor DeSantis has been fantastic. I don't give him an "A" on a fixed grading scale because he did some things early on that were improper. But if I'm grading him on a curve, he absolutely gets and "A." But the propaganda press is doing their best to convince you he deserves an "F".

Meanwhile, they keep telling us the Democrat Governor of New York, Andrew Cuomo, is the epitome of perfection. Yet that idiot not only presided over BY FAR the highest death count in America - and that's per capita as well as raw numbers. As of today, New York, the fourth most populous state, had 42,494 COVID deaths. California, the most populous state, had 37,527. Florida, the third most populous state, had 25,673.

But per capita, Florida had 119 deaths per 100,000. California had 94 per 100,000, and New York had a whopping 218 per 100,000. New York's per capita death rate is more than double California's. And it's almost twice Florida's per capita death - 83% higher to be exact. But according to the activists posing as journalists in the so-called "news" media, DeSantis is a failure and Cuomo has achieved God-like perfection! That's the narrative. That's what the fake news is telling us. But it is completely untrue. And provably so. Yet the fake news continues to report it that way.

Why? Because they know most people will just accept what they say as fact. They'll do no research or verification of their own. I know because I do my own research. I do my own verification. I got the COVID case count and death count numbers from the CDC myself. I got state populations from the Census Bureau. And I put all those numbers into a spreadsheet, did the math, and then sorted to get rankings. And I assure you my numbers are accurate. And so is my math. But I still hope you'll look up the numbers yourself and verify it.

So much of what the so-called "news" tells you is fake. And even when it's not fake, it can be deceptive. The fact that their COVID odometers report raw numbers is enough to be deceptive right there. And that applies to both state-by-state data and country-by-country data. When you look at their odometer numbers, the U.S. has the most cases and deaths in the world. By far!

But we're the third most populous country. Of course we're going to have a high raw death count. But we don't have the highest per capita case rate or the highest per capita death rate. Do you know where the United States ranks per capita versus other countries? We rank 9th. Still high, but not far and above everyone else as the fake news has been telling you for months.

Which eight countries have higher per capita death rates than the United States? In reverse order beginning with the 8th highest and finishing with the highest, they're North Macedonia, Liechtenstein, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Italy, Czech Republic, United Kingdom, Slovenia, and Belgium. So Belgium, that peaceful, high tax, European socialist utopia with free health care and that DIDN'T have Donald Trump as its leader, has the highest death rate in the entire world based upon population. I'm quite certain you've never heard that before. But I assure you it's true. I don't do fake news.

What do those facts tell you? It tells you that the shutdowns and infringement upon citizens' constitutional rights that so many Democrat tyrants imposed did little or nothing to reduce COVID deaths. But it did a lot to destroy the economy; which did a lot to destroy President Trump; which means they accomplished their goals. Because the goals of those Democrats wasn't to reduce COVID deaths. It was to reduce President Trump's chance of being reelected. And, of course, it was also used as the excuse to violate many election laws designed to safeguard the integrity of the vote. And so millions of illegal ballots were cast.

And we know the result of those illegal elections, don't we? Yep. And there's nothing we can do about it now. We're stuck with the outcome for the next four years. And we're FOREVER stuck with the results of the destructive policies that will be imposed by the people who "won" the 2020 elections.

Contrary to what you've been told, Florida is a Coronavirus success story. Florida Governor DeSantis should be praised not condemned.


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