How the Democrats Are Waging Political Genocide Against Republicans

January 23, 2021 9:49am

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On today's radio program, I exposed how the Democrats have gone far beyond the hyperbolic rhetoric that is typical of today's political discourse and crossed the line into waging actual war to literally destroy the lives of Republicans.

In his inaugural address, Joe Biden said his "whole soul" was committed to "bringing America together, uniting our people, uniting our nation." And he asked every American to join him in that cause.

He went on to say, "so today at this time in this place, let’s start afresh, all of us. Let’s begin to listen to one another again. Hear one another, see one another, show respect to one another. Politics doesn’t have to be a raging fire, destroying everything in its path. Every disagreement doesn’t have to be a cause for total war." But his supporters did not heed that call. Instead, they are doing everything they can to prevent unity and to divide us farther apart. They are actively seeking the eradication of Republican thoughts and the personal destruction of those who advocate it.

Leftist thugs who are now in charge of government, Big Tech, the so-called "news" media, entertainment media, sports, academia, non-profits, and many major corporations want to destroy Donald Trump and anyone who has ever expressed support for him or his policies. We are witnessing a nationwide political cleansing of anyone who doesn't tow the party line of today's socialist Democrats.

Twitter permanently banned Donald Trump. Facebook and Instagram have suspended him indefinitely. Google suspended Trump's YouTube channel.

Twitter banned the President of the United States for tweeting opinions that in no way called for violence of any sort. But the Supreme Leader of Iran has never been banned despite tweeting out calls for the killing of Jews and the destruction of Israel. Twitter has suspended official Twitter accounts of the United States Government after tweeting objective facts that the Stalinists who run Twitter didn't want to public to know.

Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google, and other tech services have deleted accounts whose content advocated conservative views in a perfectly lawful manner. Amazon Web Services removed Parler from its servers taking it and its account holders completely offline.

Facebook suspended former Congressman Ron Paul's account. Was it because Ron Paul called for violence in his posts? No. It was because Ron Paul wrote criticism of Big Tech's censorship.

Benjamin Franklin said, "Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech." That's why today's tech titans are dangerous enemies of our Republic. I have written about the perils of Big Tech's censorship. And my September 12th radio show was about how Big Tech's censorship threatens to destroy our elections and our Republic.

Elected Democrats are abusing the powers of their offices to destroy Donald Trump on matters that have nothing whatsoever to do with his presidential actions.

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio said the city is taking steps to cancel its contracts with the Trump Organization to operate the Central Park Carousel, the Ferry Point Golf Course, and both Central Park skating rinks. Has the Trump Organization mismanaged those properties? No. The sole reason is political animus. It is part of the Left's total eradication of all things Trump.

Palm Beach County, Florida announced they will try to prematurely terminate the lease with Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach. Trump pays the county $88,338 per month to rent the property. But Palm Beach County is one of the most heavily Democrat counties in Florida, and their county commission wants to hurt Trump more than they want that million dollars per year in lease fees. Because as usual, DemonRat politicians put their hate-based agenda above everything else. Fiscal ramifications are rarely a concern.

Private businesses have played their roles in the economic assassination of Donald Trump also. The massive global e-commerce platform Shopify took down Not because Trump was late on payments. Not because Trump was selling illegal merchandise. Not because Trump was engaged in deceptive trade practices. Not because Trump's site was getting hacked and disrupting their servers. No. They did it because Trump was Trump. The decision to kick him off the service was 100% political.

The PGA pulled next year's Championship from the Trump National Golf Club Bedminster because they want to disassociate from Donald Trump for purely political reasons. The PGA of America Board of Directors didn't say whether they canceled the use of the Trump golf course because they themselves hate Trump or if they're afraid other people who hate trump will somehow hurt the PGA if they played their tournament there. Either way, it is yet another disgusting example of the politicization of sports.

At least three banks, Florida-based Professional Bank, New York-based Signature Bank, and Germany-based Deutsche Bank, have all announced they will sever ties with the Trump family.

According to Bloomberg News, Donald Trump has $25 million deposited at Professional Bank and it holds the $11 million mortgage on one of Trump's houses. The amortization schedule on that mortgage goes through 2048, and I seriously doubt they can call the note. So I don't know what they'll do with it. Maybe the bank will sell the paper. But if that mortgage is current - and it certainly must be - then why would the bank want to get it off their books? Especially since it has a 4.5% interest rate, which is well above current rates. Why would they want to get rid of it? It's purely political. It is intended to hurt Donald Trump and nothing more.

Donald Trump has personal accounts at Signature Bank worth about $5.3 million. But the bank will be closing those accounts. They also announced they will not do business with any lawmaker who voted against accepting Biden electors from Arizona or Pennsylvania. I don't know if any of those lawmakers even have money or loans at Signature Bank. But if they don't, then that makes the announcement even worse. Because Signature bank is announcing they won't do business with people they're already not doing business with; for purely political reasons. Are we heading to the point in this country where we'll have Democrat banks and Republican banks? Are the Democrats going to so divide this country along ideological lines that we can't do business unless we openly support them? My God! Do you realize what the end result of this is?

Deutsche Bank holds more than $300 million in loans to the Trump Organization. They are balloon notes with renewals coming up in the next few years. So is Deutsche Bank simply not going to renew the loans? They've said they won't conduct any future business with the Trump family or the Trump Organization. So what will happen if Deutsche Bank won't renew those loans? Well, if Trump can't move them to another bank or pay them off, he'll default. And that would not be good for Trump or for Deutsche Bank. But Deutsche Bank doesn't seem to care. These are not business decisions. These are political decisions. These banks are refusing to do business with someone based entirely upon differences in political ideologies. And that is a very dangerous practice to allow.

But the Democrats are not satisfied only with the complete destruction of Donald Trump and his family. Democrats have also targeted individual citizens, both in and out of government, who have expressed support for him.

Dozens of corporations have announced they will no longer make PAC contributions to the 147 Republican lawmakers who voted to reject some of Biden's Electoral College electors. While these companies have the right to choose which politicians to support, they should be donating to politicians whose positions benefit their industries and not donating to politicians whose positions are detrimental to their industries. But that is not what they're doing. They're halting donations based solely upon a perfectly constitutional congressional vote that was not industry-specific at all. This is pure politics. And that is completely inappropriate.

Republican Congresswoman Elise Stefanik of upstate New York was removed by Harvard University from her volunteer position on the Senior Advisory Committee of the Kennedy Institute of Politics. She graduated from Harvard in 2006 and was an active member of the Institute when she was a student. She has also hosted a student member of the Institute as an intern in her congressional office every year since she was elected. But none of that matters. What matters is that she supports Donald Trump. And the Democrats who run the university believe she should be punished for that. It is yet another example of Republicans being purged from society based solely upon their political beliefs. Also, as if kicking Congresswoman Stefanik off the committee wasn't enough political genocide by itself, the university also prohibited any Harvard students from serving in her congressional office as part of their internship program.

Harvard, like almost every university in America has turned into a cesspool of Leftist monoculturalism. There are active petitions circulating around Harvard demanding that the university revoke the degrees of Republicans like Senator Ted Cruz, Representative Dan Crenshaw, and former Trump Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany. Those petitions are not just signed by malcontent students that are too stupid to know they're stupid. A lot of Harvard professors have also signed those petitions demanding that the university revoke the degrees of people based solely on their lawful political beliefs and lawful political activities.

Missouri Senator Josh Hawley had a contract with Portofino Bay Hotel in Orlando to host a fundraiser event. But the hotel unilaterally canceled the event because the senator voted to reject some of Biden's electors.

The Democrat president of the Association of Flight Attendants, Sara Nelson, wants everyone arrested for the Capitol protest to be put on the government's No-Fly List. Did she ever ask the Department of Homeland Security to do that with people arrested at Antifa or Black Lives Matter protests? No, of course not. She agrees with their agenda. Further, she is not limiting her demand to just those who have been arrested. She also wants the people who yelled at Mitt Romney in the airport to be put on the No-Fly List too. Apparently, she thinks flying should be a privilege reserved only for Democrats and any Republicans who quietly submit to the superiority of the Democrat overlords.

Bed Bath & Beyond, a publicly traded company with a fiduciary responsibility to its shareholders, so it shouldn't be playing politics for reasons outside the scope of its business, will be removing the My Pillow from all its stores because the owner of My Pillow, Mike Lindell has been a very vocal supporter of President Trump and helped sponsor the January 6th protest in Washington. Mind you, he helped sponsor the speech at The Ellipse not the breach of the Capitol Building. What Mike Lindell sponsored was 100% legal. Yet the people who run Bed Bath & Beyond think it's necessary to punish Mike Lindell for having the audacity to lawfully support a president and a cause they don't agree with. Kohl's is also dropping the My Pillow from its inventory as are some online-only retailers.

These companies are pursuing a political agenda that believes conservative voices need to not only be silenced, but the people who speak anything that doesn't align with the Groupspeak sanctioned by the authoritarian Left needs to be personally destroyed and denied gainful employment.

Nicholas Rodean worked for a direct mail marketing company in Maryland until he was fired when his employer saw a picture of him at the protest. The employer explained the termination by saying, "While we support all employees’ right to peaceful, lawful exercise of free speech, any employee demonstrating dangerous conduct that endangers the health and safety of others will no longer have an employment opportunity with Navistar Direct Marketing.” Do you have any doubt that if that employee had been photographed at a violent Black Lives Matter protest, that he'd still have a job?

Libby Andrews, a real estate agent from Chicago, was fired because she was at the January 6th protest. She never entered the Capitol Building. She committed no crime at all. But her mere presence at a political protest cost her her job. And prior to being fired, when she was still on the company website, dishonest Leftist liars who had never met her or done business with her posted defamatory negative reviews about the quality of her real estate work and ethics. In other words, they made things up to hurt her professionally.

Rick Saccone was a professor at Saint Vincent College in Pennsylvania until he was forced to resign after college administrators saw a video he had posted on Facebook of himself in Washington the day of the protest. The video was taken on the National Mall. He never entered the Capitol Building. He says he never even got close to the Capitol Building. And no one says he did. But the fact that he had the audacity to exercise his First Amendment Right to attend a political protest in support of a cause college administrators opposed cost him his job.

Paul Davis was employed as a lawyer for an insurance company in Texas. But after posting to social media that he had been teargassed in Washington on January 6th, he was fired. I couldn't find out how close he got to the Capitol Building, so I don't know if he even trespassed. Regardless, he was fired because he expressed support for Donald Trump.

Therese Duke had been working as a medical assistant at UMass Memorial hospital for 15 years. But she was fired because she had been, in the words of the hospital, "involved in this week's violent events at the nation's capitol." Yes, Therese Duke had been "involved" in violent events. Her "involvement" was that she was on the receiving end of an illegal punch to her face for which her assailant was arrested and charged with assault. What was Duke charged with? Nothing! She was the victim of a crime not the criminal. And it occurred the night BEFORE the Capitol was breached. But the Democrats who run UMass Memorial hospital fired her anyway.

We are witnessing a nationwide political cleansing of anyone who doesn't tow the party line of today's socialist Democrats.

What they seek is the complete destruction of people and businesses based solely upon their political ideologies. This is not a matter of disassociating with convicted criminals - although even that is not allowed under most circumstances. This is refusal to do business with people who have expressed perfectly legal political opinions that differ from the doctrine of what is now a one-party state.

That's not just referring to government. Leftist totalitarianism permeates almost all of society. We're rapidly getting to the point where conservatives will not be able to buy or sell or engage in lawful commerce because the authoritarian Left has decided we are not welcome in the Left's New World Order. And they won't stop until they deny, denigrate, delegitimize, deplatform, and destroy every one of us. It's undemocratic, disgraceful, and dangerous.

Democrats are doing to Republicans today what the Nazis did to the Jews in the 1930s. The Nazis boycotted Jewish-owned businesses because the Nazis said Jews were bad people who posed a danger to Germany. They demonized the Jews with false propaganda. They blamed them for all the country's troubles. They denounced them, dehumanized them, and harassed them on the streets. They attacked the Jews economically. They demanded that Jews be fired from their jobs, even when those jobs had nothing to do with politics. They systematically isolated the Jewish people from the rest of society and drove them either into poverty or out of the country.

The parallels to what the Democrats are doing to Republicans today are alarming. And before you report me for so-called "hate speech" to the Anti-Defamation League or the Southern Poverty Law Center - two organizations that used to be decent until they were taken over by radical Leftists and weaponized for partisan political purposes - note that I said "what the Nazis did to the Jews in the 1930s." The mass killings didn't begin until 1941, so my description is historically accurate whether you like the comparison or not.

A common deceptive technique of the Left has been to accuse their opponents of what they themselves are doing. Going back to at least the Administration of George W. Bush, Democrats have accused Republicans of being Nazis. But it is the Democrats who are emulating the Nazis not the Republicans. Already, some Democrats have suggested that Republicans should be sent to reeducation camps. If this un-American insanity is not stopped, it's only a matter of time until the Democrats decide to kill us.

Do President Biden and the Democrats really want unity? No. They want conformity. They want to permanently entrench themselves as rulers in charge of a one-party state And they are committing political genocide to achieve it.

My radio program went into far more detail than this blog post did. If you'd like to hear it, that episode is archived online as a podcast at


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