"Those Who Make Peaceful Revolution Impossible Will Make Violent Revolution Inevitable."

January 6, 2021 2:22pm

Supreme Court Dereliction of Duty.jpg

President Kennedy said, "Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." Similarly, those who allow our Constitution to be flagrantly violated will make its violent restoration inevitable.

That the U.S. Supreme Court refused to even consider one shred of evidence that there was wrongdoing in the 2020 elections is an absolute travesty of justice and a disgraceful dereliction of the Court's constitutional duty. And THAT is the reason The Capitol was breached by protesters today.

I will never accept Joe Biden as the legitimate President of the United States unless the Supreme Court agrees to hear the evidence that this election was tainted and issues a detailed opinion explaining their decision. Although I can't imagine any valid defense to the unconstitutional election processes that occurred in at least six states, if the Supreme Court validates it, so be it. That's our system.

But to refuse to hear the evidence and rule on it is inexcusable. And it will inevitably lead to violence. The resulting blood will be on the hands of every person - both in and out of government - who opposed pursuit of the truth as to what happened in the election.

We are witnessing the death of our Republic.

ADDENDUM ADDED January 9, 2021 10:18am

If you are truly interested in why I am angered by the results of the 2020 election, I discussed it in great detail this morning on my radio show.

In the macro sense of trying to preserve our nation, it was probably the most important program I've done in 41 years of being on the air.

I described how the government of a free republic derives its power from the consent of the governed, and why THAT is the reason Trump's voters are so angry about the disputed results of the 2020 election. And I did it far more articulately than Donald Trump could ever do.

If you want to prevent a violent revolution in this country, I encourage you to listen to it. Even if you hate Donald Trump (which is understandable 'cause he's kind of a dick), the program will reveal why 82% of his supporters refuse to accept Biden's victory as legitimate. And that reason is NOT due to proven fraud.

I also explained who is to blame for Wednesday's breach of The Capitol Building in Washington.

The critical segments are the first two. It would take you 25 minutes to listen to them both at www.TheMikeBatesShow.com/podcasts/210109

The 3rd and 4th segments consist of an interview with Sam Mullins who was at The Capitol during Wednesday's protest.


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