Election Malfeasance HAS BEEN PROVEN

November 21, 2020 11:57am

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Contrary to what the fake news is telling you, election malfeasance HAS BEEN PROVEN in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Georgia. If the courts throw out the election results in two of those states, Trump would win reelection. Irregularities have been proven in Nevada also, but Trump wouldn't win Nevada if the results there were tossed.

On my radio program today, I described in detail what those proven irregularities and malfeasance are. And I explained how Donald Trump does have a clear - but long shot - path to victory. AND NONE OF IT HAS ANYTHING TO DO WITH COMPUTERIZED VOTE SWITCHING. Just as importantly, I discussed the so-called "news" media's dangerous censorship of what the Trump Campaign is alleging.

I obviously will not put an hour of detail into this post. But these are the highlights:

In Georgia, more than 5000 lawful votes were simply not counted in Floyd and Fayette counties. And during the hand count audit, DeKalb County gave Joe Biden almost 10,000 phantom votes - 9626 to be exact. One batch of the manual count had 10,707 votes for Biden and 13 votes for Trump. But the actual count was 13 for Trump, but only 1081 for Biden. That one batch of ballots gave 890% more votes to Joe Biden than he actually got! The error - which might be too generous of a word - was discovered by Republican observers. That 890% error in Biden's favor had been verified and signed off on by not one but TWO official ballot counters before it was corrected at the insistence of Republicans.

In Michigan, it is a fact that 94 of Detroit's 134 absentee ballot poll books didn't balance, meaning the number of absentee ballots received and processed does not match the number of votes that were cast by absentee ballot. It would be bad enough if it was one. It was 70% of 'em!

In Nevada, election officials found so many discrepancies in their election process that they threw out the results and will hold a redo special election next month. No, I'm not referring to the presidential election. They threw out the results of the election for Clark County Commissioner District C. But if the process was so flawed that they don't know who won a county commission election, how can they be confident they know who won the presidential election? They can't.

In Pennsylvania, officials counted nearly 2500 mail-in ballots that voters failed to properly complete. Under Pennsylvania law, that means the votes shouldn't have been counted. But officials in Allegheny County simply ignored state law and counted the ballots. Andy Szefi, an attorney for the county, justified that illegal act with, "What we have here is essentially a technicality that we don't want voters to get disenfranchised with." No, that is not a technicality. It is the law. And election officials broke it.

Pennsylvania also has the issue of ballots being properly completed by the voter but not received by the deadline established by state law. The Pennsylvania Supreme Court said that was OK, even though their ruling was in direct contravention of Pennsylvania law. The U.S. Supreme Court foolishly refused to overturn that blatantly unconstitutional action. But the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling was a 4-4 tie because the Court was Ruthless. Amy Coney Barrett hadn't been confirmed yet. With Amy Coney Barrett now on the Court, they might see it differently should the case get to them.

All these are absolute, indisputable, easily verified, and proven FACTS. But you have to find them yourself because the national media is not reporting it. But if you read the state newspapers, it's all there. You're not going to learn it if you're waiting for the fake news to spoon-feed it to you.

If President Trump's attorneys are able to convince the Court that the election was so improperly conducted that they toss the election results in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia, or Arizona, all those states have Republican legislatures who could assign their electoral college votes to Trump. And to win the electoral college majority, Trump would need any three of those five. Or he could win with just two if the two are from Pennsylvania, Michigan and Georgia.

It is highly unlikely that Donald Trump will ultimately win the 2020 presidential election. But he absolutely has the right to try. And the so-called "news" media should not be censoring or misrepresenting the facts as they are doing.

The bottom line is that the 2020 presidential election is not as final as the fake news is telling you it is. Details are online as a podcast at www.TheMikeBatesShow.com/podcasts/201121


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