Democrat Governors Killed 59.60% of America's 204,390 COVID-19 Victims

September 21, 2020 5:27pm

Coronavirus count by party 200921.jpg

As the United States topped 200,000 COVID-19 deaths as of September 21st, the Democrats and the media are eagerly blaming every death on President Trump. But who is really to blame?

States with Democratic governors comprise 59.60% of the deaths (with 54.45% of the country's population).

States with Republican governors comprise 40.40% of the deaths (with 45.55% of the country's population).

So not only has a greater number of people died under Democrats than under Republicans, the likelihood of death was also much higher in Democrat states. A person is 9.45% more likely to die with a Democrat governor.

So who's fault is that??? Not President Trump's!

And despite Democrat Governor Cuomo actually being responsible for so many deaths in New York, it is not really the fault of state governors either. But that hasn't stopped Democrats and the media - there I go repeating myself again - from dishonestly blaming it all on Trump. The political propaganda of today's so-called "news" media is disgraceful.

While Republican states have fewer deaths, they do have more cases. So, in Republican states more people have tested positive but fewer have died. Does that mean Republican states have healthier populations or better health care? Neither. It's not that simple.

I don't want to repeat here the analysis of who is really to blame for cases and deaths. But if you care to read it, it is online from May 28th (when we hit 100,000 deaths) at and from May 3rd (when I first analyzed deaths by party) at


NOTE: Washington, DC is included in the above numbers, but U.S. Territories are not.


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