Why Did the Police Shoot Jacob Blake in Kenosha, Wisconsin?

August 28, 2020 5:15am


We don’t have enough information yet to determine why Jacob Blake was shot in Kenosha, Wisconsin.

Remember, for at least a week after Michael Brown was shot and killed in Ferguson, the public was outraged based on what we were initially told by the so-called "news" media. But later evidence proved that Michael Brown was shot while committing felony battery against a police officer, so the shooting was completely justified, appropriate, and necessary.

So let's save the outrage over Blake's shooting until after we know if we should really be outraged or not.

What we do know is that in 100% of the instances - not 99.9% - but in ONE-HUNDRED PERCENT of the instances in which the race agitators have successfully instigated violence to protest the shooting of an "unarmed black man" in public, the suspect failed to comply with the lawful instructions of a police officer.

The most effective strategy for not getting shot by the cops is to do what you're told to do. Don't fight. You're not going to prevail at the scene anyway. If it turns out the police were in the wrong, that will come out in court. And you'll be alive to see it. This applies to everyone without regard to race, creed, or color.

For all you cop haters who are so quick to blame the police, do you know why the police must prevent a person who is resisting arrest from getting back in their car? The two minute video posted above has the answer.



World War II ended 75 years ago today.


That Time I Got Tased in Jail…