Democrat Governors Killed 75.85% of America's 100,304 COVID-19 Victims

May 28, 2020 11:40pm

Coronavirus count by party 200527.jpg

Yesterday, the United States surpassed 100,000 COVID-19 deaths. The Democrats and the media - but I repeat myself - are blaming all those deaths on President Trump. But whose fault is it really?

As I wrote on May 3rd when there were 64,178 COVID-19 deaths in America, the overwhelming majority of cases and deaths were in states run by Democrat governors.

This updated graph is 100% accurate based upon data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control & Prevention as of May 27, 2020, the day the 100,000th person died. 76,077 deaths occurred in Democrat states. 24,227 deaths occurred in Republican states (for a total nationwide death count of 100,304).

My headline of "Democrat Governors Killed 75.85% of America's 100,304 COVID-19 Victims" was deliberate mockery of how the partisan propagandists in the so-called "news" media are blaming President Trump for every death. More about that is posted at

Why have Democrat states experienced far more deaths than Republican states? My initial theory was that far more people live in Democrat states, meaning that more deaths are just proportional to the population. But actual analysis of the data did not support that theory.

The population of Democrat states, including Washington, DC, totals 178,725,465 (54.45% of the country). The population of Republican states totals 149,514,058 (45.55% of the country). So when the infection and fatality RATES are calculated, Democrat states have an infection rate that is 84.87% higher than Republican states and a fatality rate that is 42.10% higher than Republican states.

One theory for the disparity in infection rates and death rates is that Democrat states are more densely populated than Republican states. Well, it is true that blue New York is more densely populated than red Wyoming. But red Florida (whose shutdown orders were far less draconian than those in Democrat states) is more densely populated than blue Michigan (which imposed the most severe shutdown orders in the country). Yet Florida's infection rate is 55.98% lower than Michigan's, and Florida's death rate is 54.11% lower.

It should be noted that California, Illinois, Louisiana, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Wisconsin all have lower population densities than Florida but have higher infection rates. So population density does not explain the difference. Maybe it really does have something to do with political ideologies and how governors responded to the pandemic.

Andrew Cuomo, the Democrat Governor of New York, forced nursing homes in his state to take in Coronavirus patients. More than 5500 people then died of COVID-19 in New York nursing homes. Well, what the hell did he think would happen??? And how is that President Trump's fault?

On March 1st, the day of New York's first diagnosed case, Governor Cuomo tweeted, "There is no reason for undue anxiety - the general risk remains low in NY." More than a month earlier, President Trump announced a suspension of flights from China in an effort to limit the spread of the Coronavirus. Democrats condemned that policy as "racist." The President banned travel from 26 European countries on March 11th. But they now attack him for not imposing those travel bans sooner.

Bill DeBlasio, the Democrat Mayor of New York City, encouraged people to go out to bars and restaurants as late as March 15th. How is that President Trump's fault?

On February 4th, President Trump spoke of the Coronavirus during his State of the Union Address. Nancy Pelosi literally ripped her printed copy into small pieces.

So if Democrats are responsible for their states' poor performance compared to states with Republican governors, can we at least blame President Trump for America's poor performance compared to the rest of the world? No. We cannot. Detailed analysis of how the United States is performing compared to other nations was the subject of my May 9th radio show. It is archived online at

If you have read this far and think I am blaming Democrats for the pandemic or its deaths, then you have missed the point. I don't blame Democrats or Republicans for it. I do fault Democrats for their unconstitutional stay-at-home orders, but that's not the subject of this post. You can scroll through my podcasts page at to find episodes where I addressed that issue.

This post is about the dishonest "reporting" by activists posing as journalists in the so-called "news" media that is really just thinly-veiled, one-sided, agenda-driven propaganda for the Democratic Party.

The political agenda of today's press is disgraceful. It's disgusting. And it's dangerous.



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