Will Drinking Clorox Kill the Coronavirus?

April 25, 2020 11:36pm


Contrary to what the so-called "news" media has said, President Trump did NOT recommend the internal use of ultraviolet light or disinfectant to kill the COVID-19 Coronavirus. His words were a hypothesis in the form of a question. They were NOT recommendations or instructions. And he asked the professionals to test his hypothesis.

But Nancy Pelosi said "the President is asking people to inject Lysol into their lungs." THAT IS A BLATANT LIE. The "news" media then eagerly amplified her lie without addressing its veracity. They treated her lie as if was the Nectar of the Gods, which demonstrates that today's "journalists" are nothing but propagandists for the Democratic Party.

We have a serious problem when dishonest activists posing as journalists focus on and misrepresent a 55 second question posed by Trump during an hour-long press conference, but then that same media reports Nancy Pelosi's false statement without pointing out that she completely fabricated it.

The problem is the biased media itself; they spoon-feed us propaganda instead of reporting the truth. Last year, President Trump tweeted that the press is the enemy of the people. He was right. Because the press is the enemy of the truth, that makes them the enemy of the people.

Democrats and the media – but I repeat myself – are both dangerous enemies of our Republic. Don’t believe their lies!


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