The Governor of Kentucky Has Declared War Against the American People!

April 11, 2020 10:32pm

Kentucky Constitution SS.jpg

The Governor of Kentucky, Democrat Andy Beshear has outlawed church attendance. He has mandated what is de facto imprisonment of anyone who attends Easter services tomorrow. He will be sending his Gestapo out to surveil churches and record the license plates of every car in church parking lots. They will then use that illegally obtained list of the religious faithful to force a 14-day quarantine upon them.

Really? House arrest for attending church? The war is no longer against the coronavirus. The war is now against the American people!

And what about the police who will carry out the governor's unlawful orders? Are those cops so devoid of knowledge about our constitutional liberties that they'll follow such blatantly unconstitutional orders?

"But I was only following orders!" Where have we heard that before? It is no excuse.

We need Nuremberg-style trials against these enemies of our Republic. Because without holding elected officials and law enforcement personnel accountable for their actions, they will only be empowered to trample on our rights to an even worse degree next time. And there will be a next time.

Our Founders knew public health threats existed. Smallpox and tuberculosis were both far more contagious and had fatality rates far higher than the COVID-19 Coronavirus. But they didn't include any mechanism to permit the suspension of our Constitution when a pandemic occurs. Yet elected officials across America have suspended constitutional rights - or at the very least, ignored them.

Under the guise of protecting us from ourselves, traitorous politicians have not only put us in quarantine; they have quarantined the Constitution of the United States. And almost no one seems to know or care. It's disgraceful.

Oh, how I wish I was in Kentucky so I could attend a church service there tomorrow...


No, Mr. President, You Are NOT a King!


William M. Arkin on America's Continuity of Government Plans