Michigan's Governor is a Dangerous Tyrant

April 9, 2020 10:08pm

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Many elected officials across the country are imposing unjust and illegal orders that infringe upon the fundamental Constitutional Rights of Americans.

Governor Dimwit of Michigan is the worst offender. Her real name is Gretchen Whitmer. By executive order, Governor Dimwit closed all gun stores in the state, canceled all religious services, and banned all advertising for goods and services that are not food or medical. That same order prohibits peaceful assembly on both public and private property of ANY NUMBER of people who are not residents of a single household.

What if people want to peaceably assemble to protest or discuss how to challenge the extremely unconstitutional overreach of the governor's quarantine orders? Could that quarantine order prohibit the gathering? Not legally. But that's exactly what her order does. Can you see the irony of an unconstitutional order that prohibits the protest of an unconstitutional order? The whole point of the First Amendment is to protect Rights the people in power don't want you to exercise!

Her ban on gatherings is so extreme that if I lived next door to my mother in Michigan, it would be illegal for me to visit my mom unless I was providing her with medical care.

For perspective, you should know that Governor Whitmer has also prohibited the sale of seed and fertilizer, meaning people cannot grow their own food. But she deems the sale of liquor, recreational marijuana, and lottery tickets to be "essential." She has decreed that Michiganders can buy weed but not food seed!

Can she possibly be so ignorant of what our Constitution says as to believe her order is lawful? Or does she just not care? Does it matter what her reasoning is? Both are inexcusable! Violating her orders are criminal offenses not civil infractions. Is there no limit to her tyranny???

Can this really be true? Am I making it up? Or do I just misunderstand Governor Whitmer's executive order? I completely understand your skepticism. But it's all true. I read every word of her Executive Order #2020-42. You can read it yourself at https://content.govdelivery.com/attachments/MIEOG/2020/04/09/file_attachments/1423850/EO%202020-42.pdf

Governor Whitmer brings to mind two quotes: 1) "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." And 2) "Sic Semper Tyrannis."

If I said those words in Michigan, Governor Whitmer would probably have me arrested and prosecuted for hate speech. I mean, she's violated so many Constitutional Rights already, why not pile on with more? Do you know the origin of those two quotes? The first one is from Thomas Jefferson. The latter is the Virginia state motto that appears on the state flag; "Sic Semper Tyrannis" - "Thus Always to Tyrants."

Wake up, America! These tyrants must not be tolerated!


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